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Atlanta opens public pools and looks to employ more youth for summer season

The city looks to hire more youth as lifeguards.

ATLANTA — The City of Atlanta is kicking off the Memorial Day weekend by offering residents a cool and fun way to spend the day.

For the first time this year, Atlanta city pools are open to the public, and that’s just in time to make a splash for the Memorial Day holiday.

On Saturday, 12 pools were made available for people to come out and enjoy.

The pools offer a safe and fun way to get some exercise, and the facilities also provide opportunities for area youth.

“If you’re 15 years of age or older. You either know how to swim, or you don’t know how to swim. We’ll teach ya how to swim. We’ll get ya ready and get you a job this summer lifeguarding at a pool," said Parks and Rec Commissioner Justin Cutler.

So far, the city has hired and trained 50 young people to work as lifeguards.

Demario Reeves worked as a teen lifeguard for the city and comes back every year to help others take advantage of the training.

“I started as a teenager doing it, and it's been a consistent job for every summer, and you’re working for the city. I think a lot of kids don’t have hustle right now. I’m trying to get everybody to have hustle," Reeves said.

Each teenager hired is paid $15 an hour.

Reeves said the Grant Park pool features a splash pad area, a wading pool and a 100-meter pool.

He shared that most air-filled floating devices aren’t allowed.

“Some of the devices seep air. They have a slow leak, and some of the parents tend to leave the kids and think they are safe with it, but they’re not," Reeves said.

All the pools are open from 12:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Admission is free.

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