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Best & worst times to travel for July 4 weekend

Georgia's Department of Transportation has provided a helpful guide for coordinating your trip.

ATLANTA — The Fourth of July weekend is fast approaching, which means congested highways and crowded airports as Georgians flock to their travel destinations.

But, if you're planning on skipping town while avoiding the hustle and bustle, the Georgia Department of Transportation has provided a helpful guide for coordinating your trip.

When will the worst congestion be?

GDOT expects heavier-than-normal traffic on Friday, June 30, as early as noon on the interstates. Commuters traveling then should expect to add 30 to 45 minutes to their trip.

If you're staying in town and simply trying to get around, Thursday and Friday are expected to be heavy traffic days on Atlanta's surface streets.

What days will have the lightest traffic?

Sunday, July 3, through Tuesday, July 4, should be quiet on the interstate. In addition, surface roads around town should be lighter than normal, running from July 1 through the July 4 holiday.

When will traffic return to normal?

GDOT estimates that interstate traffic should return to its normal flow on Wednesday, July 5. Surface streets will be heavier than previous days but slightly better than normal.

Where will the interstates be most packed?

  • I-20: Eastbound congestion is expected when entering metro Atlanta, while westbound congestion is predicted when exiting the city towards Alabama.
  • I-75: Heavy congestion is anticipated in both southbound and northbound directions coming out of Atlanta in Stockbridge, causing congestion on I-675.
  • I-24: Eastbound congestion is expected in Northwest Georgia near Chattanooga.
  • I-59: Northbound congestion is projected when entering Tennessee, and southbound congestion is anticipated when entering Georgia.
  • I-475: Congestion is anticipated in both northbound and southbound directions in Macon.
  • I-16: Westbound congestion is expected when exiting Savannah, and eastbound congestion is predicted when entering Savannah.

How about construction on the roads?

According to GDOT, "lane closures will be suspended on Georgia interstates and state routes beginning Friday, June 30 at 12 p.m. until 5 a.m. Wednesday, July 5."

However, travelers are still encouraged to be cautious since crews may still "work near highways, and safety concerns may require some long-term lane closures to remain in place."

What about the airport? Tips for those flying

On Wednesday, officials with Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport held a conference providing travelers with some key information to make their trip run smoother.

The busiest day they said will be Friday, where around 370,000 travelers are to be expected. If you're thinking about heading out the day before, things will only be slightly better (360,000 travelers).

As for July 1 through July 6, those days are expected to have around 300,000.

Officials warned that lines will be likely be wrapped around security. So, passengers should plan ahead and be prepared. That means having your ID and boarding pass out and ready to go.

If you're heading to the airport, MARTA is highly recommended. The airport will also allow those picking up passengers to go into parking lots for up to 30 minutes to relieve some of the traffic on the roadway outside.

For the latest information on parking, security, and wait time, visit the airport's website.


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