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Why some families continue to choose virtual learning

Friday marks the final day to apply for Atlanta Virtual Academy.

ATLANTA — A teacher behind a computer screen is not the traditional classroom, but for some Atlanta Public School families, the model works. 

"For us it was just an obvious choice," Suzy Gray explained. 

Gray's son, Daniel, dances in a special program with the Atlanta Ballet, an opportunity he can take advantage of thanks to Atlanta Virtual Academy, commonly referred to as AVA.

"Because he dances in the day, he needed a fully asynchronous, fully virtual option that would allow him to kind of pursue his passion, but also, you know, do high school," Gray said. 

Since 2012, Atlanta Virtual Academy has been an online alternative for competitive athletes, students who want to work independently or those dealing with health concerns.

But interest in virtual learning has grown since the start of the pandemic, and now more families have access to the option. A 2021 Rand Corporation survey shows that 26% of districts surveyed across the country plan for a virtual school, up from 3% pre-pandemic. 

"I enjoy the versatility of AVA," Janet Watson said. "Especially when my kids were all three at AVA and had family activities."

Watson's daughter attends the program.

"Just as you know, our work environments are now more flexible. It allows our students to be more flexible," counselor Ayanna Echols said. "In fact, a lot of our students this year, their parents are working remotely right along next to them."

But school leaders emphasize virtual does not equal easy.

"The best students that thrive in our program are those that are motivated," Krasandra Holmes, program director, said. "Those that, they like independent learning."

"They are noticing when your child is excelling in a certain area," parent Cordelias Flournoy said. "The teachers now have the ability to accelerate that child and whatever area that they're performing in, and I just love that."

AVA is available to Atlanta Public Schools elementary, middle and high school students and offers two types of virtual learning: 

  • AVA Direct permits eligible K-12th grade students to attend AVA through a synchronous learning model with daily live teaching instruction.
  • AVA Flex permits eligible 6th -12th-grade students to attend AVA through an asynchronous self-paced learning model with teacher facilitation as needed.

Enrollment into AVA for the 2022-23 school year, which begins August 1, 2022, will be granted to all applicants.

Applications will be accepted online or by appointment at the Department of Student Assignment, located at the APS Center for Learning and Leadership, 130 Trinity Avenue, SW (Second floor, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.). To apply online and for more information on the AVA program, head to the program website.

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