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Get 9% back on period-care using these products | Here's how

That group has banded together to create Tampon Tax Back, and according to their website, Georgians stand to make 9% back on their period-care-related products.

ATLANTA — Several menstrual product brands, including one Atlanta-based and Black-owned company, have partnered to pay customers back the tampon tax. 

Georgia is one of 22 states, that still collects taxes on period products like tampons.

Helping Mamas in Norcross provides period products for women in need. Jamie Lackey with the organization said the state sales tax on tampons in Georgia is wrong since tampons are a necessity.

 “Without period products women are not able to go to school, go to work,” said Lackey.

Supporting brands include Atlanta's The Honey Pot, as well as:

  • LOLA
  • Saalt 
  • Rael 
  • August
  • Cora 
  • DIVA and  
  • Here We Flo

That group has banded together to create the Tampon Tax Back Coalition, and according to their website, Georgians stand to make 9% back on their period-care-related products. 

“It’s just nice to know, we see you, we hear you we know this is tough- and it’s being taxed unfairly so we’ll take that off,” said Lackey.

What is the Tampon Tax? 

Sometimes referred to as the pink or period tax, the tampon tax refers to the markup and luxury tax on period care products like tampons and pads. 

"Meanwhile, products like Rogaine and Viagra are considered medical necessities," Tampon Tax Back's website said. 

The term can sometimes include price increases in razors, deodorant, body wash and services feminine-marketed products. 

How to get reimbursed

Individuals should enter their phone number on the Tampon Tax Back's website to sign up for the program.

Once that's done, customers will receive a text confirmation and can then begin sending in retail receipts. The program said to upload within 10 days of the purchase to be eligible for payments and ensure all purchased items and the store location are visible. 

From there, the companies will calculate what was paid in taxes and send it back through Venmo or PayPal within 48 hours. 

Earlier this year, The Honey Pot Co. worked with Strapt Vending, a vending solutions provider, to supply over 70,000 free menstrual products to concertgoers through 15 cashless vending machines during the Beyoncé concert in August.

Tax experts told 11Alive one other way to save money on period products is to get reimbursed from your Health Savings Account or HSA.


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